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Programming using Java Running case study - Requirement 1 / 6 | State Board of Cricket Council –V1.0 *


State Board of Cricket Council –V1.0 *

State Board of Cricket Council

 State Board of Cricket Council (SBCC) is one of the leading cricket selection academies in the state. They are in need of an automated system that should manipulate the player details provided and also find the players who have secured star rating between a specific range from the database.

You being their software consultant have been approached to develop a pilot java application which can be used by the admin for the above mentioned requirement.

package com.sbcc.main;
import com.sbcc.model.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

import com.sbcc.skeletonvalidator.SkeletonValidator;

public class UserInterface {
    public static Player pl;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        SkeletonValidator validator = new SkeletonValidator();


        // Please start your code from here
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        //Player pl=new Player();
        int choice=0;
            System.out.println("1. Create player\n2. Display player details\n
            3. Exit\nEnter your choice");
                System.out.println("Enter the player id");
                System.out.println("Enter the player name");
                String name=sc.nextLine();
                System.out.println("Enter the number of matches played");
                int matches = sc.nextInt();
                System.out.println("Enter the total runs scored");
                int runs=sc.nextInt();
                System.out.println("Enter the playing zone");
                String zone=sc.nextLine();
                pl = new Player(id,name,matches,runs,zone);
            if (choice==2){
                //pl=new Player();
                System.out.println("Player id: "+pl.getPlayerId());
                System.out.println("Player Name: "+pl.getPlayerName());
                System.out.println("Matches Played: "+pl.getMatchesPlayed());
                System.out.println("Total runs scored: "+pl.getRunScored());
                System.out.println("Playing Zone: "+pl.getPlayingZone());
                System.out.println("Thank you for using SBCC application\n");



package com.sbcc.model;

/*The class and methods should be declared as public 
and all the attributes should be declared as private.*/

public class Player {
    private String playerId;
    private String playerName;
    private int matchesPlayed;
    private int runScored;
    private String playingZone;
    public Player(String playerIdString playerNameint matchesPlayed,
     int runScoredString playingZone){
    public Player(){
        //this(playerId, playerName, matchesPlayed, runScored, playingZone);
    public void setPlayerId(String playerId){
    public String getPlayerId(){
        return playerId;
    public void setPlayerName(String playerName){
    public String getPlayerName(){
        return playerName;
    public void setMatchesPlayed(int matchesPlayed){
    public int getMatchesPlayed(){
        return matchesPlayed;
    public void setRunScored(int runScored){
    public int getRunScored(){
        return runScored;
    public void setPlayingZone(String playingZone){
    public String getPlayingZone(){
        return playingZone;

    // Include all attributes, getters, setters and constructors 
    as specified in the requirement document


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