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Java Flow Control And Functions If Else | Day 1


In computer programming, we use the if statement to control the flow of the program. For example, if a certain condition is met, then run a specific block of code. Otherwise, run another code.

For example:

 class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int number = 0;

    // checks if number is greater than 0
    if (number > 0) {
      System.out.println("The number is positive.");

    // checks if number is less than 0
    else if (number < 0) {
      System.out.println("The number is negative.");

    // if both condition is false
    else {
      System.out.println("The number is 0.");


The number is 0.

In the above example, we are checking whether the number is positive, negative, or zero.

Here, we have two condition expressions:

  • number > 0 - checks if the number is greater than 0
  • number < 0 - checks if the number is less than 0

Here, the value of the number is 0. So both the conditions evaluate to false. Hence the statement inside the body of else is executed.


Given an integer M perform the following conditional actions:

  • If M is multiple of 3 and 5 then print "Good Number" (without quotes).
  • If M is only multiple of 3 and not of 5 then print "Bad Number" (without quotes).
  • If M is only multiple of 5 and not of 3 then print "Poor Number" (without quotes).
  • If M doesn't satisfy any of the above conditions then print "-1" (without quotes).



import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /***Don't change the code here***/
        Scanner inp  = new Scanner(;
        int M = inp.nextInt();
        /**Write your code here**/
        if(M%3==0 && M%5==0){
            System.out.println("Good Number");
        }else if(M%3==0)
            System.out.println("Bad Number");
        else if(M%5==0)
            System.out.println("Poor Number");


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