1. You are given a string str of digits. (will never start with a 0)
2. You are required to encode the str as per following rules
1 -> a
2 -> b
3 -> c
25 -> y
26 -> z
3. You are required to calculate and print the count of encodings for the string str.
For 123 -> there are 3 encodings. abc, aw, lc
For 993 -> there is 1 encoding. iic
For 013 -> This is an invalid input. A string starting with 0 will not be passed.
For 103 -> there is 1 encoding. jc
For 303 -> there are 0 encodings. But such a string maybe passed. In this case
print 0.
Input Format
A string str
Output Format
count of encodings
0 < str.length <= 10
Sample Input
Sample Output
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